星期五, 五月 25, 2007


博客久了,都会有点疲倦,思维僵化,因为时间有限,关注都只能是平时常订阅的内容,没有新的思想的冲击,难免有点思维公式化了。这篇文章是Anne Zelenka的一篇博文,针对的主要是知名博客,可我觉得于我而言,也是一针见血。故转贴如下:

Beginner's mind for the a list blogger

An outbreak of A-list blogger ennui has struck Silicon Valley. Arrington and Scoble have caught it. Could be they’re just envious. But pro-blogging is tiring work. It can make you feel dull.

What if you’re suffering some malaise and it’s not just envy? Maybe you’ve been hit with the curse of expert ennui… you’ve seen it all, done it all, it’s all too familiar, and you know too much. You need to get back to beginner’s mind, that fresh place where everything was new and exciting and full of possibility.

How to get back to beginner’s mind? Here’s what I might try.

1. Read something or someone new. The tech blogosphere is an insular place. What are your other interests? Politics, economics, law, parenting, knitting, food, celebrity gossip? Start reading some blogs in those areas. See that people aren’t as fixated on tech or on money as you thought. See that there’s life outside of techmeme. See that you, too, can be just another reader, just another commenter, only in another sphere.

2. Work on something that you’re not already good at. Feel the thrill of learning something new again. Get that beginner’s perspective back. Infuse new ideas into your old work. It doesn’t have to be something online. Plant a garden, learn to paint, take up kayaking.

3. Put one foot in front of the other. Work and life often don’t always proceed in grand hyperleaps. Sometimes it’s just one foot in front of the other. Write another blog post. Cover another startup. Take another briefing. Repeat. Keep doing that, and someday soon, something new and exciting will poke up out of the ground like a seedling.

Remind yourself that seedlings are pale green, tiny, pathetic compared to their full-grown counterparts. It’s hard to know which ones will grow into sturdy and healthy plants with fragrant blossoms. Enjoy those seedlings anyway, appreciate them for pushing up through the soil, and through the mulch you put down to stop the weeds from growing through.

4. Remember it’s not all about you. Buddhism has a practice called tonglen in which you imagine switching places with another and really seeing the world from their perspective, including whatever suffering they might be feeling. If you are beginning to see startup founders or anyone else as just masses of deluded or herdlike or money-obsessed creatures, picture yourself as one of them, see the world from their perspective. This will help you get back to a fresher state of mind and get you out of thinking your own perspective somehow exhausts the truth of the world.

5. Stop the judging. If you’re an A-list blogger, you probably got that way by showing some discrimination, some ability to critique other people’s work. But constantly judging people’s work as good or bad can lead to a frozen mindset that doesn’t allow new and exciting ideas to be recognized for what they are. It makes you jaded and cynical. Make yourself open to new ideas by postponing your critique of new ideas you hear about.

6. Get into the present moment. Set what you know aside and focus only on this moment. When you’re looking at a new service and you’re reminded of the fifteen other services that look just the same, put that out of your head. Enjoy whatever you’re experiencing right this moment, without thought of the past. If you’re writing a blog post, just write the blog post. Make it good. Write it well. Enjoy the flow.


知名博客的倦怠情绪正在硅谷蔓延。 包括ArringtonScoble都提出了这样的问题。也许他们只是有点嫉妒,但作一个职业的Blogger的确是一件令人感到枯燥的事情。他甚至会让你变得麻木不仁。



1, 阅读新的东西。技术博客领域只是一片孤岛。那你其它的兴趣呢?时政、经济、法律、教育、衣着、饮食还是明星八卦?尝试阅读这些领域的Blog。看看那些并 非和你那样对技术或者金钱念念不忘的人,那些技术以外的五彩生活。你也可以成为另一个读者,另一个评论者,在另一个圈子里。




4, 记住那不是全部的你。佛教里面有一种修炼叫做“施受法”,人可以想象自己在别人的身体里,从别人的视线去观察世界,感受别人受到的痛苦。如果你开始把创业 者看作是受迷惑的民众或者被金钱所困扰的生物,那就把自己也当作他们中的一员,从他们的角度去看问题。这会帮助你的意识回到一个比较新鲜的状态,从而避免 总是固执己见而忽略真实的世界。

5,不要轻易的下结论。如果你是一个著名的博客。你草率的表现你的鄙夷,贬低他人所作的努力。当这种评论 好坏的行为习惯成自然,你固定的思维方式会让你看不清,那些新的或激动人心的想法的真正可贵之处。你会变得越来越疲倦,越来越愤世嫉俗。对新的想法敞开你 的心扉,对与你所听到的创意,不要过早的提出你的批评。

6,享受现在。把你所熟知的东西放在一边,把注意力集中在现在。当你看到一个新的 服务,你想起15个看起来一样的服务,把他们扔出你的大脑。好好的享受你所正在体验的,不要去对比其它。如果你在写一篇Blog文章,就专心的去写,让它 更完美,文笔更流畅。享受你思绪的流动。
