星期五, 五月 02, 2008


经有官员 说,中国主办拗孕会将有利于其人权的改善 。如果你相信档控制下的正腐是说到做到的,那你就得经常买眼镜。

昨天突然发现,4月份有四篇博文被删除了。我并不责怪网站,他们有压力,这压力象遮天蔽日的乌云让你我都喘不过气来。我只能怪自己对政策把握不足,我竟然 不知道“D-L-L-M”(没有间隔号)是敏感词(可我怎么知道呢?这四个字母可以组合成多少个意思!),我也不晓得,政策没有固定状态,在他处允许发表 的文章,换个地方却不行?删了就删吧,也不想再修改贴上来,只是有的人想抺掉痕迹却是不可能的,它们在这里1234 ,它们也在这里ABCD (要用代理)。


Another Brick in the Wall (Part 1)

Daddy's flown across the ocean 爸爸飞过了大洋
Leaving just a memory 留下的只有回忆
Snapshot in the family album 简单的印象在家庭的相册
Daddy what else did you leave for me? 爸爸,你还留给我什么别的了吗?
Daddy, what'd'ja leave behind for me?!? 爸爸,你还留给我什么了?!?
All in all it was just a brick in the wall. 这些都不过是墙上的又一块砖
All in all it was all just bricks in the wall. 这些全都不过是墙上的又一块砖

"You! Yes, you! Stand still laddy!" 你,对,你!站着别动

Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)

We don't need no education 我们不需要(呆板的)教育
We dont need no thought control 我们不需要被思想控制
No dark sarcasm in the classroom 我们不要在教室里被黑色讽刺
Teachers leave them kids alone 老师们离孩子们远远的吧
Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone! 嗨!老师们!离孩子们远远的吧!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall. 这些都不过是墙上的又一块砖
All in all you're just another brick in the wall. 你都不过是墙上的又一块砖

We don't need no education 我们不需要(呆板的)教育
We dont need no thought control 我们不需要被思想控制
No dark sarcasm in the classroom 我们不要在教室里被黑色讽刺
Teachers leave them kids alone 老师们离孩子们远远的吧
Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone! 嗨!老师们!离孩子们远远的吧!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall. 这些都不过是墙上的又一块砖
All in all you're just another brick in the wall. 你都不过是墙上的又一块砖

"Wrong, Do it again!" 错啦,再做一次!
"If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding. 如果你不吃完你的肉,你就不能得到一点布丁
How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?" 你怎么能得到布丁如果你不吃完你的肉
"You! Yes, you behind the bikesheds, stand still laddy!" 你!对,站在脚踏车棚后的你,站着别动!
